Collection: Flavourhead

I love tea as much as I love discovering new ingredients and flavour combinations, so why are the same old tea brands peddling generic flavours using unidentifiable ingredients that taste, well, a bit bland?

That’s because most tea brands use finely chopped ingredients and add processed flavour crystals which is not good. When I looked at artisan gins, beers and cocktails, it hit me ‘what if we made tea like that?’

I love a negroni, the sweet and bitter fruity zesty scruminess is so distinctive, so I used that as a base for a tea, and Wonderfully Zesty was born. Big chunks of dried orange peel and ginger, hibiscus and safflowers, coriander and juniper berries create a multi-layered rich taste experience. Throughout our range of teas you can see hints of inspiration from a myriad of places that has led to our unique blends.

Join us on this journey and may the flavour be with you!

Craig x

Chief Flavour Head