Getting to know....Hope + Arley

Getting to know....Hope + Arley

Hope + Arley is a local family business obsessed with the pistachio nut! Run across Bristol and Bath, Hope + Arley's mission is to bring you a fresh, high-end pistachio nut, with a sustainable supply chain, naturally.

Each traditionally roasted pistachio is sourced directly from hand-harvesters in Greece, collaborating with a small co-operative of artisan farmers. The result is something really quite special and the perfect addition to any of our gift boxes!

We went behind the scenes with Andy to learn more about their pistachio obsession.... 

Tell us more about how Hope + Arley came about

Jane, (or Pistachio Jane as she’s better known) was the original brains behind the business. Travelling around Greece she was snacking on the best pistachios to ever pass her lips. Not wanting to stop she made it her mission to bring a fresh and vibrant pistachio nut to the UK. But how could she bring this taste phenomenon back home with her? Bingo – in our very own bags and butters.  

Where do you source your ingredients?

We source each traditionally roasted pistachio directly from hand-harvesters in Greece, collaborating with a small co-operative of artisan farmers to un-shell and share in our mutual passion. We’ve been working with the same co-operative for 10 years now building a great working relationship. The long summers and cool winters of Greece create the ultimate conditions for perfect pistachios. Through the region’s traditional farming styles, these character-filled nuts are nurtured all the way from seed to our jars and bags.

What are the core values of your product?

Our ethos is rooted in attention to ingredients, and an unfailing promise to work closely and considerately with farmers. As a company we care about where our ingredients come from. Not many people can say they know where their pistachios come from down to the very orchard they are grown in, and the farmer who grew them.  

How is your product sustainable?

The Pistachios we source are certified Global G.A.P (Good Agricultural Practice) and come with PDO status (Protected Designation of Origin) that identifies that our pistachios originate from a unique and specific production region. By starting where we source our ingredients from is a key piece of the sustainability puzzle. We are constantly reviewing our processes and packaging, and while still in the early days of our journey can see how by putting people and planet first, we are making the right steps towards being as sustainable as we can.  

Talk us through a typical day!

There is no typical day here at Hope + Arley! Every day is different and that’s what we love about it. As a family we all pull together making and packing our pistachio nut butters and packs, attending markets at Frome and Stroud, through to visiting our wonderful customers and seeing how they are using our pistachios.     

Tell us one of your career highlights!

Our most recent highlight has been receiving the incredible feedback from our re-brand to Hope + Arley. We worked with an incredible group of talented people over many months helping us shape our mission, values, tone of voice and branding. The comments we get at the markets and through customer orders is fantastic to hear and puts a smile on our face every time. We sold our first tote bag the other week which sounds like a small win, but awesome to think someone loves Hope + Arley as much as we do to the point that they want to take us around with them every day.   

What does it mean to you to support local?

Having lived in Bristol for 10 years just off Gloucester Road we couldn’t be more embedded in the shop local community. For us it is a way of showing just how much we care about the community we live in. There is no better feeling for us visiting our local shops purchasing an incredible variety of produce and products that have had care and attention poured into them. 

We love that you share our love for local Andy! Taste them for yourself by adding them to one of our boxes or choose Wine & Snacks or the IN Bristol Guide 

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